Tag: Child abuse

“I will not give birth to a daughter”. A note to Law makers

Yes, I dare to say that! Want to know why?
I don’t want my daughter to go through a “plague” called Rape. You better note that!

My heart tears apart when I see this-

A 6 years old girl raped and murdered in Gwalior on Friday, 6th July. Can you imaging, if it is your daughter? (Photo-DB)

Let me talk about my own city, Jaipur. It is fourth day(7/7/18) and second victim of this “plague”. It’s just a case which is reported, what about unheard, there’re some, definitely. Look at the seriousness of this epidemic!

What it looks?

Jaipur-child-rapedOn Tuesday, 3rd July, a 3 YO raped. Her mother gave her some money, a failed attempt to comfort her from pain and tears in the hospital. (Photo- DB)

Amid this case and large coverage, a 13 YO raped on Friday night by her neighbour. She is hospitalized now. For obvious.

How these “plague” carrier “rats” have balls to attempt this heinous crime? Bloody, how they can ignore an innocent, crying and pleading face? Why they don’t fear law?

Although, we have a POCSO court in the capital city. But here the fate hits us so hard, the F-1 speed of court trials (You know what I mean). From filing charge sheets to court trials and final verdicts, a long suffering to go for these poor victims and their mothers.
Let us talk about Laws against female foeticide/infanticide, It’s illegal and punishable. India holds a dark history of gender discrimination. Indian society can not escape patriarchy. No wonder, in many cases females force female foeticide/infanticide. It is surely a crime. Criminals should be punished.
We’ve been hearing ‘Beti Bachao, Beti padhao’ type slogans from ages. Be it is NDA or UPA government, every body have been chanting ‘Beti’ based slogans. But the graph is still upwards. Think why? Why these rapists don’t fear? Not only children, hundreds of women get raped every day. Why?

Why I can not go out in the darkness? Why I can not travel this country alone? Why I can not walk my city alone? Why I have to concern for my safety all the time?

How can I put my far-off daughter through all this?

I will not give birth to a girl, until she can play outside without safety concern.
I will not, until she can go to school and I don’t have to worry.
I will not, until she can have guilt and tease free adolescence.
I will not give birth to a girl, until she can have a safe feminine life.

Isn’t it enough to strike chords?

If you urge to save lives, you must urge to protect them from the sexual maltreatment. Make these “Rats” fear…I request.